Despite a long summer of praying for rain, I am thrilled to see the sun today. I spent all morning in the soggy garden and headed straight back out after lunch to mow the overgrown backyard. It felt good to get so much work done outside after such a long stretch of damp, dreary weather.

As you may have already seen, the cucamelons happily soaked up all that moisture. Not only did I pick a ton yesterday, but they are huge! Don’t worry, though; they taste just as delicious as always and aren’t at all tough or bitter.

The chard also continues to grow beautifully, and tomorrow I might dig some more carrots, which should be big and sweet after so much rain. Though the tomatoes look just about done, I might have a few of those for you as well on Saturday, and possibly even some peppers! I also still have plenty of onions and garlic as well.

We have just two Saturday markets left this year (Can you believe it?), so make sure to come out before the season ends! This Saturday, the market is also serving as a drop-off point for personal hygiene items and other supplies for hurricane relief in southwestern Virginia (see image below for details).

See you at the market!