Autumn seems to have finally arrived, with the temperatures dipping into (and out of) the cooler ranges and even some flurries in the forecast. Although planting the garden may not seem like a fall activity, I have spent the warmer days of the past several weeks cleaning out the beds and sowing winter cover crops (winter rye and daikon radish). And just yesterday I planted a large patch of garlic, to be harvested next summer.

With the cover crops sown and garlic in the ground, I almost feel ready for winter. There is always more to be done in the garden, even this time of year, but I have the essentials checked off, and that’s certainly something to be thankful for.
I am also ready for my last market of the year! Next Wednesday, November 27, 1-5 p.m., the Broadway Community Market is hosting a special Thanksgiving Market Event. This is always a fun event, and we have an incredible lineup of vendors this year (I’ve counted nearly 20 vendor spotlights on the event page!), including live music.

I will be there with sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, garlic, and onions for your holiday dinners. And in addition to my usual assortment of practical and sustainable crocheted items, I’ll also have mini stockings, little Christmas trees, and acorn ornaments. The acorns, upcycled from thrift store baubles and yarn, would make a cute addition to a Thanksgiving centerpiece – and then they can be hung on the Christmas tree!

Thank you all so much for your support of Fairydiddle Farm and my fellow vendors at the Broadway Community Market this year. As I always say, there’s no community market without the community.
See you at the market!