Well, friends, we have finally come to the end of market season. The Broadway Community Market will be open for one last market day tomorrow, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. And we have a new vendor, The North Mountain Confectionary, making their business debut! They will be selling homemade gourmet apples, a perfect sweet treat for the fall season. Come out to show them some love and help make their first day of business a roaring success.

Of course, several of the vendors you have come to know over the summer will be set up as well, offering pasture-raised eggs and meat, herbal salves and balms, ready-made meals for your freezer, handmade items, sustainably grown produce, and more. We are all so grateful for your support throughout the season, and we would love to see you one more time tomorrow. There’s no Community Market without the community!

I did a final harvest in the garden this morning and picked jalapenos, bell peppers, perpetual spinach, and green tomatoes to go on my market table alongside garlic and a variety of practical knitted and crocheted items.

The Fairydiddle Farm market table during the Trunk-or-Treat event last week

So what can you do with green tomatoes? A lot, it turns out! The dish we all know and love is fried green tomatoes, great for BLTs or just eating hot out of the skillet. A shopper last week told me that she likes to store green tomato slices in a jar of pickle juice in the fridge and use them on sandwiches throughout the winter! Green tomatoes will also take on fruity notes when baked with warm spices, such as in a green tomato pie. You can also try subbing part or all of the apples in your favorite crisp or pie recipe with green tomatoes.

See you at the market!

Halloween is still a few weeks away, but we’re celebrating early at the Broadway Community Market tomorrow with a fun Trunk or Treat event! This is a great opportunity for kids to dress up and enjoy free games and candy while the adults shop from local vendors. We have only two market days left of the season, so come out and join the fun! Remember, fall hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

As we approach the end of market season, we also near the first frost, which means tomorrow might be your last opportunity for summer produce. This morning, I harvested jalapenos, ripe and green tomatoes (mmm, fried green tomatoes), carrots, green onions, and even some perpetual spinach. I’ll also have garlic and knitted and crocheted items.

See you at the market!

As the current market garden winds down for the season, the new garden is sprouting, showing hope and promise for next year. The rain last weekend nourished the cover crop seeds I planted just before, and the beds are now full of fresh green life.

A mixture of winter rye, daikon radishes, and Austrian winter peas will hold down the compost I spread and send their roots deep to break up the soil in preparation for spring crops. And when I mow them down ahead of spring planting, the cover crops will add nutrients back into the soil. It’s such a simple thing to broadcast seeds in the fall and let them do so much good work over the winter.

In the “old” garden, I’m still harvesting a few tomatoes, green onions, and peppers as we ease into fall. You can pick up some of these fresh vegetables at the Broadway Community Market tomorrow (9am-1pm), as well as garlic and knit and crocheted items.

See you at the market!