The grass was wet and soft this morning, a glorious change from the crispiness of last week. Yesterday, the rain startled me, pattering on the metal roof as I worked at my computer. I ran outside, palms out, to confirm that I heard actual raindrops and not the rattling of dry leaves. It rained until puddles formed, and then it kept raining all afternoon. Somehow rain nourishes the garden like water from a hose never can.
I worried that the ripening tomatoes would split, literally bursting as they do when they take in more water than their skins can stretch to hold, but they haven’t. And the peppers grow bigger by the day. I take back up my chant from the spring: soon, soon.

Tomorrow, you can expect to find perpetual spinach, rosemary, and carrots on my market table. I have recipes for you, too! Pick up the simple instructions for making perpetual spinach quiche and rosemary scones as well as the main ingredients – including eggs from Good Plains Farm at the table next to me. Saturday dinner: check!
The weather looks beautiful for the Broadway Community Market tomorrow, and we have a great lineup of about a dozen vendors. Come enjoy coffee and breakfast in the cool, low-humidity morning and see what everyone has to offer this week.
See you at the market!