When Paul came home last night and asked if we’d gotten any rain, I responded, “Just a little, like we’ve been getting” – meaning, just enough to wet the leaves but not the soil. But this morning, I woke with a memory of rain thundering on our metal roof and the sight of a damp garden through the window. Then, just before I stepped outside to work in the garden, it began to rain again.

I went onto the front porch instead and trimmed dead, crispy foliage off the plants there that have been limping through summer on the little water I’ve been allocating to them. When the rain let up after a few minutes, I headed out to the garden and weeded, grateful for the moist soil that releases roots more readily. And I’ve never been so happy to get rained on, as it drizzled on and off while I worked. In fact, I celebrated by planting beet seeds – I’d been putting it off for lack of rain. Oh, happy day.

Getting on my computer to write this, I checked the weather forecast: more rain! While at first this prospect thrilled me, I worry that we might get too much, as often happens after a drought. The rain finally comes, but all at once, washing away topsoil and causing flooding.

But Saturday the sun will come out again, inviting us all to celebrate the cleansing, replenishing water that has fallen. Join me at the Broadway Community Market Saturday morning, where I and other vendors will have fresh produce, flowers, baked goods, handmade items, and more. I will be bringing:

  • cherry tomatoes
  • tomatoes
  • bell peppers
  • jalapenos
  • cucamelons!
  • garlic
  • garlic salt
  • crocheted items

Thanks to the drought, bean beetles, and a very persistent groundhog, the bean harvest has been pretty dismal the past couple weeks, so unfortunately, I won’t have any tomorrow. But I will finally have some cucamelons! They usually sell out, and I have a limited quantity, so come early if you want some!

Finally, mark your calendar for our special Back-to-School Evening Market on Wednesday, August 28, 5-8 p.m.

See you at the market!