I went out to the garden this morning to take a few pictures for the blog and check some items off my to-do list, but when I peeked under the bush bean foliage to snap a photo, I found pencil-thick beans waiting to be picked! Although I only got a bowlful from this first harvest, there should be a couple pounds available at the farmer’s market next week.
I love planting bush beans, watching them sprout and grow into a lush jungle of foliage, and harvesting pounds and pounds of food from such a small amount of space. Yet the thrill of the first bean harvest has a tiny grey cloud hanging over it, saturated with the knowledge that I will be picking beans every-other day until October. I love growing beans, but come first frost, I will be more than ready to gleefully rip out the withered plants. In the meantime, it’s bean season, and I am so excited to chow down on some fresh beans this weekend!
Speaking of summer vegetables, the enormous zucchini plants also had a few surprises for me this morning. Again, I shoved my head into the foliage (yes, my head – these plants are huge!) to take a picture of ripening fruits and found beautiful, fat zucchini ready to harvest. I decided to try a different variety this year, an heirloom called Tender Grey, and it produces lovely speckled, grey-green squash.
Yesterday, I harvested half of the garlic and hung it in an outbuilding to cure for a few weeks. When the tomatoes and peppers ripen, you can get some garlic, too, for your sauce and salsa making! It will also be delicious with the green beans. I might even bring some fresh heads to the market in the coming weeks.
If the rain abates early enough for us to hold the farmer’s market tomorrow, I will be there with green onions, zucchini, and maybe a few final radishes. Keep an eye on the New Market Farmer’s Market Facebook page for weather-related updates. Hope to see you soon!
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