The brown grass crunches underfoot as I cross the yard to water the garden. When I get there, I am greeted by the sight of drooping, thirsty plants, many half-eaten by the groundhog(s) I have finally managed to exclude. The bean plants have the added stress of a bean beetle infestation, leading to a record low harvest during a time of year when I should be swimming in beans.
Honestly, it’s a pretty dismal sight. Farming is not for the faint-hearted. But farmers and gardeners everywhere have a mantra you’ve likely heard before: Next year will be better.
And I have hope yet for this season, in the form of tomato vines laden with green fruits, pepper plants just starting to flower, and cucumber tendrils eagerly reaching out in search of something to climb. Most everything that hasn’t been munched on looks healthy, if a couple weeks behind normal growth patterns. Even the second planting of beans, yet untouched by beetles, is putting on fresh leaves after being mown down by the groundhog.

I will have beans at the Broadway Community Market tomorrow (8 a.m. – 12 p.m.), as well as carrots and perpetual spinach (chard). I’ve also harvested lots of fresh rosemary, great for chicken, fish, potatoes, eggs, and bread. If I have time to print them off, you can pick up recipes for rosemary scones and perpetual spinach quiche along with the ingredients.
The market is hosting a Christmas in July event tomorrow, and I don’t know what all the other vendors have planned, but it should be fun! For some early holiday shopping, I have handmade market and water bottle bags, dish cloths, and skillet handle covers, as well as a couple bottles of garlic salt. I might pull out some other crocheted items too.
See you at the market!