Well, sun does not appear to be in the forecast for tomorrow. In fact, we have a 90 percent chance of rain and high winds. The farmer’s market is still scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, but you’ll want to keep an eye on the Facebook page in case of a weather-related closure. As always, even if we’re not at the market tomorrow, you can contact me for on-farm pickup – I might even head into Harrisonburg Saturday, if meeting up in town would be more convenient.

I still have lots of garlic, a few sweet potatoes (fingerling and small to medium sizes), fire salt, hot salt, and hand-knit/crocheted items. And there are a few last jalapenos hanging on the plants! The collards and kale are still a bit small yet, and the squash needs to cure so it’s good and sweet and stores through the winter. Maybe this promised rain will give the greens a nice growth spurt!

I’m putting the garden to bed a little at a time. Now that the sweet potatoes are all up, I can rake out that bed and seed it with a cover crop of winter rye. I finally pulled out the tomato vines as well, though I’ve left the massive marigold plants for now; they’re just too pretty to uproot yet.