As the current market garden winds down for the season, the new garden is sprouting, showing hope and promise for next year. The rain last weekend nourished the cover crop seeds I planted just before, and the beds are now full of fresh green life.
A mixture of winter rye, daikon radishes, and Austrian winter peas will hold down the compost I spread and send their roots deep to break up the soil in preparation for spring crops. And when I mow them down ahead of spring planting, the cover crops will add nutrients back into the soil. It’s such a simple thing to broadcast seeds in the fall and let them do so much good work over the winter.

In the “old” garden, I’m still harvesting a few tomatoes, green onions, and peppers as we ease into fall. You can pick up some of these fresh vegetables at the Broadway Community Market tomorrow (9am-1pm), as well as garlic and knit and crocheted items.
See you at the market!